Steven Smethurst: Stained Glass Tetragonal Deltahedron

Steven Smethurst: Stained Glass Tetragonal Deltahedron

Steven Smethurst is a Vancouver based Maker, hacker, and installation artist who works primarily with light and technology. Light changes everything around it. It’s messy and bleeds into and over everything. It is loud and demands attention but its effects are temporary. Remove the light from the environment and the environment returns to its natural, unaltered state. Steven’s technological background adds unique interactive elements to his work.

The Tetragonal Deltohedron is a polyhedron with 8 kite-shaped uniform faces that form a diamond-like object. Each of the faces of the polyhedron is a glowing stained-glass window with geometric patterns. The patterns shift and change over time as the LED embedded in the structure change colours and react to the people looking at it.

The Tetragonal Deltohedron was designed specifically for the Maker Faire Vancouver. Steven will also be showcasing various other two-dimensional hexagonal stain glass windows from his previous collections.

Project Website
Categories: Art & Design, Kinetic Art